Antennas for operating on the Go!
Portable operating is gaining popularity in the Amateur Radio community. For amateurs who are unable to install permanent outdoor antennas at home, portable installations are often the only way they can get on the air. There are also amateurs who simply enjoy operating outdoors, in nature. For them, portable antennas are necessities.
ARRL Portable Antenna Classics is a collection of helpful articles drawn from the pages of QST the ARRL membership journal. Readers will find HF Antennas with single and multiband designs for all bands from 80m - 10m. Likewise there are VHF/UHF Antennas covering 2m and 70cm and even 6m. There are novel ideas such as the 'HF walking stick antenna' through the imaginatively named antennas 'The Octopus', 'The Shooter', 'The Black Widow' and many other. With over thirty antennas included there is a wide choice of easy to build and easy to use antennas for every band. Masts and other supports are not forgotten and you will find ingenious ideas for getting your portable antenna off the ground and keeping it there.
Featuring easily constructed antenna systems, ARRL Portable Antenna Classics offers practical ideas and projects to get you on the air from anywhere.
Size 208x276mm, 128 pages, ISBN: 9781 6259 5034 5