50 Antennas covering 80m-70cm
Edited by Steve Telenius-Lowe, PJ4DX
Portable operating has never been as popular as it is today, thanks to the many excellent modern, small and lightweight transceivers that are available. But, indoors or outside, any station is only as good as its antenna, and that is where this book comes in. Portable Antennas for Everyone is broken into sections covering the main types of antenna. Specific designs from around the world are included, starting with a fibreglass pole and a simple 10m length of wire attached to make a quarter-wave vertical antenna for 7MHz. Portable Antennas for Everyone continues into verticals designed specifically for use by the ocean and that provide a super-low angle of radiation of just 6 or 7 degrees above the horizon. The book describes how to make a vertical dipole array (VDA) and there is some good advice on kite-supported verticals. There are also designs for HF dipoles, doublets and making your own lightweight HF beams. VHF and UHF antennas are not forgotten: the book includes a dual-band Yagi for satellite working, collapsible 2m and 6m beams, a roll-up J-pole, a 70cm Lindenblad antenna and even a dual-band beam made from tape measures. You will also find reviews of commercially made antennas for portable operations. These include the Spiderbeam, the ultra-lightweight Hexbeam, the folding Hexbeam, the all-band SuperStick, an easily transportable magnetic loop and much, much more.
If you are suffering from high domestic noise levels at home, operating portable from the countryside can be a real revelation. Often there is no local noise whatsoever and you find you can copy S1 signals with ease. So now theres no excuse: Portable Antennas for Everyone allows everyone to get on the air while experiencing the great outdoors!
This book is also availlable on Kindle click here to buy that version
Size 174x240mm, 192 pages.
ISBN: 9781 9101 9385 3